Need help selecting the best business structure for your business? We've assembled the definitions, advantages, and disadvantages of the most popular business structures using information from the US Small Business Administration. If you need more assistance, we suggest having a conversation with a lawyer with expertise on this topic or speaking to a friend who's made this decision for his or her business.
Relevant Navajo Agencies
Credit Services
Credit Services is a division within the Navajo Nation Office of the Controller that reviews any outstanding debt of a business prior to approving it for Navajo Preference Certification.
Window Rock, AZ
Office of the Controller
The Navajo Nation
P.O. Box 3150
Window Rock, AZ 86515
Land Department
The Land Department is within the Navajo Nation Division of Natural Resources. It is responsible for proper and optimum use of real property for all to benefit. It manages the land withdrawal process for business site leases.
Window Rock, AZ
Navajo Land Department
P.O. Box 2249
Window Rock, AZ 86515
Small Business Development Department (SBDD)
The SBDD manages Navajo Nation Business Site Leasing and administers the two Division of Economic Development lending programs -- the Business Industrial Development Fund (BIDF) and the Micro Enterprise Loan Program (MELP). the SBDD also provides technical assistance and support for small business owners and entrepreneurs.
Window Rock, AZ
P.O. Box 663
Window Rock, AZ 86515
Navajo Business Regulatory Department
The Business Regulatory Department administers and implements the Navajo Business Opportunity Act, the Navajo Nation Corporation Code, the Uniform Commercial Code, and the Weights and Measures Program.
The Navajo Division of Economic Development
Business Regulatory Department
P.O. Box 663
Window Rock, AZ 86515
Office of the Navajo Tax Commission
The office of the Navajo Tax Commission administers and audits seven taxes in the Navajo Nation.
Karigan Professional Office Complex
Suite 115
100 Taylor Rd
St. Michaels, AZ 86511
Office of the Navajo Tax Commission
P.O. Box 1903
Window Rock, AZ 86515
To'Nanees'Dizi Local Government
220 Main Street
Tuba City, AZ 86045
Kayenta Township
100 N. Highway 163
Box 1490
Kayenta, AZ 86033